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© Copyright 2003, BASIC-IDE

Website designed and maintained by Daniel Massie


Before I get to far, I should note that if a version doesn't appear on this page, but think it should, then check out the BASIC IDE file release page.

A special note about download managers

Don't use a download manager to download these links, as they are just plain HTML pages at Sourceforge. At this page, you will be given the option to download the source or binary. Select one, then choose a mirror. When you are given a link (and/or the download automatically starts), you can use your favorite download manager.

Stable Releases

Stable releases are versions of a product thought to be ready for wide and public use. They are mostly Bug Free(tm). This is the version you want if you are going to be using the IDE for a large project.
There are not stable releases at this time.

Beta Releases

Beta releases are versions that are relatively bug free, but features are being added, so it can be somewhat of a nightmare trying to keep order. By time a program is in beta stage, chances are that you can safely use it for a medium-sized project.
There are no beta releases yet. There should be one in a few months.

Alpha Releases

Alpha releases are thought to be bug-ridden easily crashable versions of a program where features (and bugs!) are constantly being added and removed. Only die-hard users and developers should get alpha versions. Now that I've scared you, here are some alpha versions. Please read my above notes on using a download manager if you use one.
  • Version The latest release of the BASIC IDE. This version now only supports RapidQ (see this new release for details) and fixes many bugs. The latest and greatest version.
  • Version This release of the BASIC IDE offers many new features and bug fixes. Developers will notice that the now we are using an array of CodeSenses instead of just one. This fixed many bugs and added some new features. Users will enjoy the new Project|Options command and the many features it offers.

Doing a CVS Checkout

If you would like to get the absolute latest version of the IDE (which may or may not work), then you may get and compile the source. You can find instructions on how to get the source here.

If you would like to get the absolute latest version of the IDE (which may or may not work), then you may get and compile the source. Here's step-by-step instructions:

  1. Download and install WinCVS.
  2. Bring up a command prompt (Start|Programs|MS-DOS Prompt on most systems). Change to the directory in which you want to download the source into. For example:
    cd "C:\BASIC-IDE"

    Remember: Since you're working at a DOS prompt, you need to use DOS file names or include the folder name in "quotation marks".
  3. Once you're in the directory that you wish to download the source to, run this:
    SET HOME=<directory to download source>
    Replace <directory to download source> with the directory (aka folder) in which you want to place the IDE source code. For example, I typed:
  4. Now, you are ready to download the source. Type this command:
    "<path to where you installed WinCVS>\cvs" co basic-ide
    Replace <path to where you installed WinCVS> with the path to the folder in which you installed WinCVS (usually C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCvs <version>, where <version> is the version you downloaded (1.2 as of time of writing). For example, I typed:
    "<C:\Program Files\GNU\WinCVS 1.2>\cvs" co basic-ide
You now have the source for the BASIC IDE on your computer! Now, read the Installation section below and you have the IDE source all ready to go! I have omitted a few things you can do as an anonymous CVS user. A complete list of instructions is available. You'll need to make some minor modifications.


Installing the binary version of the IDE is very simple. Once you have downloaded it, simply run the EXE and follow the instructions. However, if you downloaded the source, then a few extra steps are required. Once you have downloaded the source ZIP, you must install all the components required by the IDE. Follow the instructions in install.txt included with the source, or folow our online guide.