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© Copyright 2003, BASIC-IDE

Website designed and maintained by Daniel Massie

Mailing Lists

Are you having trouble with the BASIC IDE? Want to stay current with releases? Do you want to help develop with IDE? Then you'll probably want to join one of our mailing lists. Here is a list:
  • basic-ide-devel: Where the developers hold their discussions on how to develop the IDE. Moderate traffic.
  • basic-ide-user: If you need help using the IDE, then this list is for you. This list is not about using RapidQ, but about using the IDE. Questions about integration with RapidQ are welcome. Low traffic.
  • basic-ide-announce: When a new version of the BASIC IDE is released, an announcement is sent to this list. If you would like to stay current with versions of the IDE, then you will want to subscribe to this list. Highly recommended. Low Traffic.
Additionally, archives of all these lists are available.