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© Copyright 2003, BASIC-IDE

Website designed and maintained by Daniel Massie


This page covers installing the source and binary versions of the IDE. If you have any problems, please submit a support request.

Binary Installation

  1. Download the latest binary version.
  2. Run the EXE and follow the instructions

Source Installation

This installation procedure will set up all the components necessary for the editing and modifying of BASIC IDE in Delphi 6 Personal Edition. This should work for other versions of Delphi as well, though. I have done it so much I probably could do it in my sleep, however some others probably don't want to do all the work that I did to figure out the installation. I am therefore repeating it all here. Enjoy!

Brian C. Becker
Updated and changed by Taj Morton
Converted to XHTML by Daniel Massie
Last updated: July 11, 2003 (tajmorton)

Installation Instructions

  1. Get the source of the IDE and unzip it into a folder.
  2. Make a folder named Components to store all Delphi components in
  3. Open Delphi
  4. Get CodeSense
    1. Make a folder named CodeSense under the Components folder and unzip the package there
    2. In Delphi go Component -> Import ActiveX Control.
    3. Hit the Add... Button and Browse to cmcs21.ocx in your CodeSense folder. Hit Open.
    4. Hit Install... Go OK. Go Yes to rebuilding dlcusr.bpl.
    5. If you get an error about "Field or method identifier expected", go to the line and change this:
      property ImageList: IDispatch index 100 read GetIDispatchProp write _SetIDispatchProp;
      To This:
      property ImageList: IDispatch index 100 read GetIDispatchProp write SetIDispatchProp;
    6. Then go to Window -> Package - dlcusr.dpk.
    7. Hit Install. Hit OK to the success message.
    8. Go File -> Close All. Save changes to dlcusr.
  5. Get BrowseDialog.
    1. Make a folder named BrowseDlg in the components folder and unzip there
    2. In Delphi, go Component -> Install Component...
    3. Browse to the BrowseDlg folder and open BrowseDlg.pas
    4. Go OK and then _no_ to the rebuilding of dlcusr.
    5. Bring up the dlcusr package window (by going to the Window menu and clicking on it) and click the Remove button. Select BrowseDialog.dcr.
    6. Click OK and go Yes.
    7. Click Install.
    8. Go OK to the sucess message.
    9. Go File -> Close All. Save changes in dlcusr.
  6. Get ScrollingCredits
    1. Make a folder called Credits in the Components folder and unzip there.
    2. In Delphi, go Component -> Install Component...
    3. Browse to the Credits folder and open Credits.pas
    4. Go OK and then _yes_ to the message about rebuilding dlcusr.
    5. Go OK to the sucess message.
    6. Go File -> Close All and save changes in dlcusr.
  7. Get DosCommand
    1. Make a folder named DosCommand in the Components folder and upzip there
    2. In Delphi, go Component -> Install Component...
    3. Browse to the DosCommand Folder and open DosCommand.pas
    4. Go OK and then Yes to the rebuilding of dlcusr
    5. Go OK to the success message
    6. Go File -> Close All. Save changes to dlcusr.
  8. Get RTDesigner
    1. Make a folder named RTDesigner in the Components folder and unzip there.
    2. In Delphi, go Component -> Install Component...
    3. Browse to the RTDesigner folder and open RTDReg.pas
    4. Go OK and then Yes to the rebuilding of dlcusr
    5. Go OK twice to the sucess messages
    6. Go File -> Close All. Save changes to dlcusr.
  9. Get PropertyEditor
    1. Make a folder called PropertEditor and unzip there.
    2. In Delphi, go Component -> Install Component...
    3. Browse to the PropertyEditor folder open PrpGrid.pas
    4. Go OK and then Yes to the rebuilding of dlcusr
    5. Go OK to the sucess message.
    6. Go File -> Close All. Save changes to dlcusr.
  10. Get ToolBar2000
    1. Make a folder named ToolBar2000 in the Components folder and unzip there
    2. In Delphi, go Tools -> Environment Options
    3. Click the Library Tab and then the ellipsis to add to the Library Path
    4. Hit the elipsis there again and browse to the Source folder in the ToolBar2000 folder.
    5. Hit OK and then Add, OK, and OK again.
    6. Get TBX from<
      1. Make a folder named TBX in the Components folder and unzip
      2. In Delphi, go Tools -> Environment Options
      3. Click the Library Tab and then the ellipsis to add to the Library Path
      4. Hit the elipsis there again and browse to the TBX folder in the Component folder.
      5. Hit OK and then Add, OK, and OK again.
      6. Copy the files in the Diff folder under the TBX folder to the Source folder in the ToolBar2000 folder
      7. Run _cvs_patch-2_0_14.bat
    7. In Delphi, go File -> Open and browse to tb2k_d6.dpk in the Packages folder in the ToolBar2000 folder.
    8. Hit Compile then Install (You may need to do Project -> Build first).
    9. Click OK, then File -> Close. Don't save anything
    10. Go File -> Open and browse to tb2kdsgn_d6.dpk in the Packages folder in the ToolBar2000 folder.
    11. Hit Compile then Install
    12. Click OK, then File -> Close. Don't save anything
    13. Go File -> Open and browse to tbx_d6.dpk in the Packages folder in the TBX folder.
    14. Hit Compile then Install
    15. Click OK, then File -> Close. Don't save anything
    16. Go File -> Open and browse to tbxdsgn_d6.dpk in the Packages folder in the TBX folder.
    17. Hit Compile then Install
    18. Click OK, then File -> Close. Don't save anything
    19. If you get any errors during this process, go Component -> Install Components and remove any ToolBar2000 components. Then try again
  11. Get the BASIC IDE. Get the source zip, not the binary.
    1. Unzip the package into a folder
    2. Finally, go File -> Open and open BASICIDE.dpr
    3. Go Component -> Install Packages. If "Build with runtime packages", isn't checked, make it so.
    4. If ";designide" isn't already on the Runtime Packages list, then add this:
      (with the ";"). Go OK.
  12. Edit to your hearts content!
If you have any problems, please place a support request. We will try to help you ASAP!

NOTE: All files will soon be mirrored on our sourceforge site in case they dissappear off of their current servers. They will have the same file name as noted above.